
Legend and Facts of using the black obsidian

Apache Tear is a type of Obsidian which is a characteristic volcanic glass which structures when magma cements so rapidly that minerals do not have the opportunity to develop. The name Obsidian eludes to the polished surface, and actually Obsidian can have any structure. Obsidian is commonly ebony, in spite of the fact that the nearness of Hematite produces red and darker assortments, and the incorporation of little gas air pockets can make a brilliant sheen.  The name Apache Tear gets from a legend where the United States rangers set things straight fighting with Apache warriors on a mountain sitting above what is currently Superior, Arizona, in the 1870’s. Instead of face rout, the dwarfed Apache warriors rode their ponies off the mountain to their demises. The tears shed by their ladies people are said to have gone to stone after hitting the ground. It is said that whoever possesses an Apache tear will never need to cry again, for the Apache ladies have cried tears instead of yours, which causes us to lament our misfortunes and proceed onward.


Apache Tear was additionally utilized by Native Americans and numerous other antiquated individuals to make instruments, and decorations. The Aztecs and Greeks utilized it for reflect on the grounds that it was so intelligent. Apache Tear looks coal black when in the hand yet hold it up to the light and it turns into a translucent brilliant dark colored.  Mentally, Obsidian is a stone without limits or impediments. Accordingly, it works incredibly quick and with extraordinary force. Its fact improving, intelligent characteristics are brutal in uncovering blemishes and shortcomings. Nothing can be escaped Obsidian it knows where your chocolate stash black obsidian. By and large, Obsidian is an exceptionally establishing and defensive stone. It is utilized as an incredible chemical of negative energies, assisting with evacuating antagonism experienced in the earth, yet additionally that of one’s own feelings, for example, outrage, envy, covetousness, hatred, and so on.

In spite of the fact that Apache Tear is a type of Obsidian, it is a lot gentler in its belongings. As the legend recommends, Apache Tear is accepted to cry tears in the midst of distress. It solaces melancholy, gives understanding into the wellspring of trouble, and alleviates since a long time ago held complaints and can delicately call attention to the estimation of this life to the individuals who may tend towards discouragement.  This stone animates investigative abilities and advances pardoning. An Apache Tear will evacuate self-impediments and increment immediacy.

Truly, Apache Tear is accepted to ease muscle fits and agony. Additionally useful for expelling poisons from the body, help the body retains nutrients C and D and calm nibbles, bubbles and stings

  • Composition: Silicon dioxide
  • Crystal System: Amorphous
  • Hardness: 5.5
  • Zodiac: Capricorn
  • Birthstone: January
  • Chakra: Root
  • Sources: USA
  • Empowerment: Tomorrow is one more day.